Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Interweb Trawl

Today is a public holiday in Malaysia and though I had to work for a couple of hours, I still managed to take sometime to trawl through the interweb. This time round, I found heaps of new websites and I was so inspired by the beautiful things I saw on the sites.

Among the many many things I saw, these two sites entertained me the most...

Taken from Please Sir's Blog 
Contemporary artist Robert Bradford creates life-size animal sculptures from discarded items like colorful toys, clothes pins, buttons and other plastic pieces. Aren't these just so adorable? Funny who I love dogs now when just about a year and a bit I was still afraid of them.

I really heart these simple ideas for furnishing ones home for the holidays. To read more about this post, you can swing on by to Lovely Clusters. 

There are a couple of things that I would like to write about, but time does not allow me to stay up all night to write... there is work tomorrow and am hoping that my so-called-colleagues will be more attentive to their work and be awesomeness people.

Till then, good night and I hope to see you soon.

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