Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I saw a Little Kitty Cat...

I decided that I would be motivated and get myself to college on time today. Thank God that my brother was on his way to work, so he dropped me there and I was early. Ate a solitary breakfast (courtesy of my mum - Thanks Ma!) in the awful green canteen at college and had an interesting conversation with Mr M. Thank God it didn't last long... he loves to partronize me.

Classes were alright though none of us really did anything so we could not discuss anything... hmmm... okay I admit I slept in class... just so tired and sleepy... thank God I didn't yawn. *hehehe*
My friends and I decided to venture out of the college for lunch today, we felt alittle adventurous or perhaps its was just Ayeesha's appealing idea and the constant reminder that canteen food was well... much to be desired for. So on the bus we hopped, Ayeesha, Rabia and myself. We walked in the blazing sun to the hawker centre in Sec.14 and ate our meal. It was then that I saw a Little Kitty Cat.

The Little Kitty Cat was black in colour and oh so tiny and sad looking. Ayeesha pointed out that the kitty didn't look like any normal kitty cos the kitty was cuddling and like acting real wierd "could have cancerlah the cat", she commented. Poor kitty. We gave it some chicken which it ate and then I took a tissue and rubbed its belly. I think he liked it...
Ahhh so cute... black Little Kitty Cat with no home. I wanted to play with it a little longer as it was like near my legs trying to rub itself on me, but I was just thinking of the mites and things on its body, so I refrained from picking it and holding it just like how Tania would. The owner of the shop was like "Angkat baliklah... kasi masuk dalam sarang, bawa balik". I replied "Saya mau angkat dia balik, tapi takut emak pukul". He laughed at me. I walked away with a sad farewell to the Little Kitty Cat.

Hope that someone takes care of it... but I know better. It will probably be dead in a month if no one takes care of it. *shudder* So the three of us walked back to the bus stop and waited for the bus and now here I am in the computer lab with a shitty computer typing this out. I should be actually working on this article which I have yet to do and which I know I must today... but... yeah... I will... soon...

Still feeling out of sorts, but should be out of this come the weekend I hope. Am scared with the amount of work I have to do for my USQ thingy and of course there is the meeting for FACES this weekend where I hope I get good stuff to write. Anyways, I should go reply some overdue emails and then head on to some empty classrooms to study. I hate the library. Not only is it freaky, but they don't let me bring my bag in (not like I am going to steal their idiotic old books) and besides I can't bear to leave my bag outside. Poor Elliot will be out in the cold and dark corridor, so NO way!
So on with studies I suppose and hopefully the rain will not fall today cos I want to get home preferably with dry feet.

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