Sunday, October 03, 2010

Goodbye Weekend

Shopping is tiring!

I spent about 4 hours with B shopping @ the Curve and my feet and back hurt now. Gah! I feels like an old lady!!! Anyways, the shopping trip was quite successful but it was just a little disappointing to not be able to find a pair of shorts that suited me. Some were too tight, too loose, too too short, too expensive or not just right. I swear some of the clothes are labelled wrongly. Their L size is like an S or and M.... or maybe the store catered mainly to model-est, slim, petite type people - bah hum bug!

Anyway, this post is not so much about shopping or how tiring it is or how I am seriously tired from the lack of sleep - 7 hours in two days is really not a lot of sleep time on for a weekend. The post instead is about saying "Goodbye to the Weekend". 

I usually update my journal/diary my weekend - what I did, where I went and etc. but for the last month or so I have slackened and find that I have pockets of lost memories which is really a shame. Anyways, this morning as I played with Belly in the morning, I suddenly felt inspired to do heaps of projects which have been pending. Sadly, as you may have already guessed, I did not start on any of the projects- yes, I am a procrastinator   though I am trying hard to be rid of this awful habit -and this 'inspirational' feeling slipped through my fingers like the seconds that ticked by this weekend. 

Its always a sad affair when Sunday evening rolls by and you realise that you have a couple more hours left before the weekend officially ends and this week is no exception. The coming week at work is jammed with work but I just want to get this Wednesday (Big event folks - pray for me!) over with so that I can move on with my other work. I also feel guilty that I did not go to church. I woke up and etc. but then my whole family
felt sluggish and didn't go in the morning and as you have probably read, I went shopping in the evening. So, yes... guilt. I hate that feeling.

* Flowers my dad grew in our home - they are so beautiful

Anyways, in my next post, I will be sharing some of projects that I am working on  thinking of staring... so that post would be quite interesting as it acts as a reminder for me to get my act in order. So, dear readers,
its just 5 days more will the weekend, so yay! Here's hoping that you will have a blessed and happy week ahead. God bless.

P.S: Belly is curled up in her cage and sleeping soundly. The poor girl had a really long day.
P.P.S: Detoxing is a pain but a necessary one.

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