My eyes started tearing up and I could not quite compose my sentences. But then, what could one expect after news like that. My heart broke and I felt a whole range of emotions.
I felt sad and I felt all coiled up inside and I felt pretty crap. I felt like getting on a plane to be with my host family. And then I feel thankful that I was not there. That I am saved by the distance. Because I would be a wreck amongst people that know him.
Here in Malaysia, I am safe because no one knows him and if I like, I can pretend. I can pretend really well that this didn't happen. That just a couple of thousand miles away, Dane is happy. That Dane is alive. But I can't pretend this time and I feel such sadness.
I can't begin to imagine how my host parents and family feel at this sudden shock. I don't even want to think about his fiancée who must be so heart broken and lonely. Or how his friends would feel. I sit here tapping on my keyboard and I wish I could do more. I feel helpless but a friend said that sometimes, just praying, thinking, sharing the pain and the tears and crying to mourn would be enough.
Luca (my host brother from Italy) and I were trying to call the family but we had the wrong number. I was sent the right one today. I will call tomorrow morning and speak to them but I am afraid. I am afraid because I may say the wrong things. That I might cry so much and be a useless mess. I am worried because I don't know what to do... but I guess God will guide me to do what is needed.
My heart goes out to my host dad Dan and my host mum Myrna, Lee, Jessi, Sara and Maija his fiancée whom I never got the pleasure to meet. I pray that God will shower them with comfort, peace, strength and courage to face this troubling time and I pray that the Angels watch over all of them and keep them in His care. I wish I could be there with all of you but know that you are all in my prayers and thoughts.
B also wrote a blog post dedication for Dane which aptly captures the things I feel...
"Dane Eaton, formerly from Temora, passed away after being thrown off his Suzuki at Old Junee in the Wagga Wagga area, Australia last Saturday, 12 March 2011. He was thrown off his bike after hitting a power pole at a railway crossing while the bike caught fire after the crash.
He was 24.
My fiancee, DreamWeaver, was family to Dane and the Eatons for a year as she was in Australia for a student exchange programme back in 2000. Dane was a brother and a friend to DW for the entire time that she was there. Dane's family graciously hosted her and cared for her like one of their own when she was there and she still has many fond memories of her time there and sometimes she shares with me her memories and her stories about her time in Australia and in Temora specifically.
My fiancee, DreamWeaver, was family to Dane and the Eatons for a year as she was in Australia for a student exchange programme back in 2000. Dane was a brother and a friend to DW for the entire time that she was there. Dane's family graciously hosted her and cared for her like one of their own when she was there and she still has many fond memories of her time there and sometimes she shares with me her memories and her stories about her time in Australia and in Temora specifically.
DW returned to Australia 2 years ago and managed to spend a day with her host family, including Dane but they were in the process of moving to a new home so she did not get to spend that much time with them. From what I can recall of her stories, Dane was a good listener and a fun loving guy. He introduced her to The Far Side Gallery and Harry Potter and helped her with her home sickness when she was down. He made her feel welcome in their home and he introduced her to the people in town. It was a shame that they didn't get to spend more time together back then but her return to the Eaton family home, Jesadale, was a journey that was memorable to say the least.
There's no more pain now, my brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Eatons and his fiancée, Maija. May you rest in peace, Dane. ForeverTwoWheels."
One day soon Dane-O, we will meet again. We will walk from the main road through the Bennett's drive to Jesadale and we will talk and we will laugh about life, about love and everything in between.
Then at night, when the stars have come out to play,
we will lay a blanket on the wet grass {like we used to do}
and gaze up into the sky and make wishes on falling stars and daydream out loud.
You are missed deeply.
Say 'Hi' to Angel for me.
I'm really sorry for your loss, I will say some prayers for you and for his family.
I never met Dane, but am first cousin to his father, Dan.
My heart is breaking for the entire family.
Dear Josephine, Thank you for your kind words and prayers. It is appreciated.
Dear Molly, It is indeed tragic news. I am heartened though by the support from so many people for the Eatons. If you had met Dane, you would have liked him :)
he will always live in our hearts!!
A good friend to all xo
I only new Dane from a visit to the US when he was young. Being the same age as my daughter, Jennifer, we enjoyed every minute of his company while we we relaxed for a week on Hilton Head Island. All of us are sad and will miss him, but our memories live on....
Thank you for sharing your memories and stories. I loved Dane too, and reading this has reitterated the fact he was loved by everyone - far and wide. I feel for you too.
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