Monday, March 08, 2010

A Monday Rant

I wanted to come home and continue and hopefully finish "The Dark Materials" so that I can go on to another book but somehow this urge to write has come over me for some weird reason. Maybe its cos its been awhile since I wrote non-work related stuffs.

Anyways, B and I were having dinner @ CintaRia in Damansara Jaya just now. There I was happily eating my garlic bread and mushroom soup (recommended), my 1/2 boiled eggs and my mashed potatoes when a homeless shirtless man walked past. I wanted to give him some money, I wanted to order some food and I was afriad so I did neither. Then we saw this guy go up to the man who had by then walked a little way off and offered him a packet of food. Later we saw the same guy giving him something to drink and I felt ashamed.

I feel like I should have done something instead of being afraid and wishing that he would just walk past. My fear overcame me. I also remembered the verse in the Bible that said basically, "whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. when i was thirsty you gave me to eat. when i was hungry you gave me to eat. when i was in prison you visited me..." How unchristian of me. I would like to be part of this select group of people who reach out. Who care instead of this other group of people that go home to blog about should haves and could haves.

Then while I was showering I thought... wouldn't it be nice if I suddenly came upon a few million dollars. I would first of all get my folks to stop work. Then I would offer my neighbours a whole load of money and buy their home and renovate both homes. Next, I would buy some bookshelves and glass cabinets for my books, Eeyores and little Ponies. Then I would give my brother money so that he can married to Ruby and not have to worry about the cost. Next, my whole family and B will go on a nice long holiday FOC. A portion of the money would also be given to the charitable organisations and victims of natural disasters and such and then I would buy B a Harley Davidson Dyna Fat Bob so that we can goes a cruising in the sunset *grin grin* Maybe I would also buy a few small odds and ends for myself like more books, some more paper and embelishments, magazines and more Eeyores. The rest I would invest and save.

Anyways... Yeah... I was just looking at the things that I have in my room and I realised that I am so so so blessed. I forget about the things I have and wish for the things that I don't have and I think I need to be reminded just how fortunate and blessed I am and I thank God for opening my eyes to see that I am so very loved by Him, my family and B *grin grin*

What surprised me over the weekend (which was a rather good weekend) was when my father nominated B to be the 3rd caller for the alarm system. Basically the alarm system will call 2 members of my family and if they fail to pick up the system will call B who in turn would need to call the security and the police. Such a huge responsiblity on his shoulders. I hope he is not too put off by this. But I just thought... WOW... my dad actually wants to give this responsibility to him. It can only mean that my dad trusts him and likes him which is very very rare. But I am glad that things are going well.

Well... suddenly I dont have much to write. Perhaps its the books that are calling me and the fact that I don't want to exhaust my laptop battery. So, until I write again dear readers, have only happy, peaceful, blessed and joyous days ahead and if you see someone who needs your help, perhaps you might just want to offer your hand to help them.

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