Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Barrel

I read in the Economist today while waiting for B in the car that...
"At the end of the barrel is Hope"...
How apt a saying for today...
a day where Hope was playing hide and seek with me.
A month has gone by so quickly.
I would have liked to change the way things turned out this past month...
but like a game of Texas Hold'em you get what the dealer doles out to you
and you can't quite change your cards for better ones...
you gotta just make do with what you have, lie about it to make it seem really realy great
or you can fold and cut your losses.
One part of me tells me that I should have not gambled
and cut my losses at the very start of the game
... but its a little too late for that.
You can't quite erase memories or perfect moments
from your mind or your heart...
I have lost quite a far bit in month... but its okay.
I have done the best that can be done with the hand that has been dealt
and its not too late...
...cos at the end of the barell is Hope.

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