Monday, March 13, 2006

Studies = Finito

I finally am done with my my studies.
I got my final paper marked and I have to say that I am upset but I guess these days I seem to be a little less worried or anal about certain things. I can't change the B I got into an A and although I am super disappointed that I didn't end my studies with a big fat A, its alright. It could have been worse. I could have gotten a C which would be like super bad or worse still fail which would be the worst outcome ever. So with thoughts like these, I think that the B I have ain't all that bad. Considering I did the assignment in less than 4 days when it was supposed to be done in 3 months, yes... I guess I deserved a B (but still am alittle upset - kiasu genes)
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Since my last post, things have been pretty good. Had: an interesting tea time talk with Nic on Saturday, a deliciously filling dinner at Italliannis with Cat and a to-die-for desert at Bakerzin with Cat also, two blisters both on my baby toes thanks to the really nice shoes which are not comfortable to wear at all, new undies which I bought from the LaSenza sale, a fun girly day out with Azzy and Nichole at 1Utama, several interesting interviews which I turned down (they just weren't right for me), lunch alone several times this week much the amusement of my family and friends, 50% off on Thursday when I went to rent MORE books at Walk In Rent A Book, the case of the giggles for no apparent reason the other day and lots more.
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Things are starting to fall into place and though I still don't quite feel like talking to the whole world again or see many people, I think I am making some sort of progress. Been having heaps of time to myself which is just glorious. Have been talking alot to Sly and Tweets (my tortoises). They are seriously growing so fast that I wish they would slow down alittle. Sly can't fit under the bridge anymore eventhough he tries so very hard to squeeze. Tweety on the other hand is a little adventurer. She has started to climb - just like my dear Clydough *God bless his! She even climbed on top of the plastic coconut tree which I think is a feat which is incredible (look at pics). God only knows she got up there. She is also starting to eat which is good because previously she didn't eat. Sly and her are getting a long pretty well too *hoorah*
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Gosh I sound like a proud parent which in some ways I am. Anyways, I have to go now. Heaps of things to do on my list and the day is almost over. Going to arrange and discard my text books and stuff to make way for work stuff and my scrapbooking magazines (have acquired heaps of them!) *hoorah hoorah* Hope that things are well with everyone. *hugsss*

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