Friday, September 09, 2011

Emo Crazy Busy

The last couple of weeks/months have just been emo crazy busy with work related stuff and other odds and ends. There have been so many times that I logged on to blogger and just opened a new post and wanted to pour out my heart or to post inspiring photos or just something really... but the tiredness I feel, the writer’s block that crops up and the sheer lack of willpower due to me being emo crazy busy, has resulted in little wisps of cobwebs forming on this Little Piece of Heaven *sniff sniff*  {I have however, still made the time to do my pinning *huhuhuhu*}

I do aspire to make amends and fill this site with lovely lovely posts but even as I type this post at the office, I wonder if it will happen though I am sure hoping that it will! Time management/procrastination seems to be the root cause of a lot of things. That and the fact that we have heaps of impromptu dinners and outings, errands, work, an adorably needy dog, piles of enticing books and addictive TV series! *snickers*

In the future posts, I am going to try my darnest to upload photos of my trip to Hanoi {this happened yonks ago}, my trip to the Philippines where I had my brother’s wedding, fun times I have had with my friends and B; writing and posting photos of our Love Nest which has come a long long way; updates on Project Happily Ever After and just more inspiring stuff I have found while web surfing.

On another note, the sales of my books on The Knick Knack Box has been awesome ~ thank you God and all those avid bookreaders out there. I hope you are indulging in your books now and loving them!

There is really so many things to do and so little time but am trying to love every minute of every day!

Btw, it’s my mother’s birthday today. “Happy Birthday Ma!”.
Here's to good health, happiness and a good life
which you deserve. Love you!!!

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