Friday, August 12, 2005

~I am Home ~

These days have been pretty good... Haven't really done much in terms of my classes (I am super far behind!) but for once I have done ALL my FACES work. *hoorah* Going to interview this Italian bloke Patrizio Buanne tomorrow, hope I don't like make a fool out of myself by giggling like a school kid or blushing... (Can so imagine myself doing that!).

Also it seems that for once I am "home".
Not in terms of my physical house, for it has always been here and its a pretty nice house honestly. But this "home"... is everything around me that makes me feel comfortable, its a place where I belong, its a place where everything is in the right place. Sure there are the odd hinges that don't quite fit and the gaps that let in the cold wind every once in awhile, but lately, everything seems to have fallen into some sort of nice rythm... and I feel as if I am "home".

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My bestest friend Cats, is home already... can't believe she is back really. I was actually worried that we wouldn't hit it off after being away from each other for so long... HAHAHA... as if distance could take away our friendship. I've seen Cats quite a bit but today was good. We had a long talk about everything - laughed alot and snorted alittle =) *hoorah* It was just like those good old times, but then again they were better. We have grown up the both of us. Its evident in the things we talk about, the way we speak and the ability to be able to judge things as they were and not how we would like them to be. They say that the best looking-glass is an old friend - how very true.

Then there is the Possum. For those of you who keep close to me, you will know that our fights and arguements are legendary and sometimes hilarious to witness... but they are all but gone (Hope I don't speak to soon!). We have settled into something really nice and cosy. Some say its "settling"... some say its damn "aunty"... some say its "routine"... I say I have found plain and simple comfort. He wakes me up almost every morning, gives me surprise calls occasionally, plays cards and drinking games with me, gives me back rubs and talks to me before I sleep.
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Then there are those times when we get all happy over the fact that couple seats in GSC are super huge and so comfy (you guys should try it!), for laughing like a children in the candy store picking jelly beans, raspberries, snakes and sour tape, for winding down windows on the highway and singing really loud... and so much more. Some of you reading this might feel sickened, and I am sorry for the discomfort caused. Sure the Possum is not perfect... well neither am I. We fit well together for now... not sure what the future holds... one can only hope and pray for a bright and happy one.

Then there are my friends. I don't have many friends, more acquaintances than anything else actually. But the few friends I have are a pretty interesting bunch. They make me laugh, make me smile and at times make me damn pissed off, but all in all they are a wonderful bunch of people with their little eccentricities, but they are loved for that. My parents are wonderful and supportive, and my brother though a pain (somtimes), is pretty wonderful too. My tortoises are behaving (no breakouts in 2 weeks) themseleves and will be getting their treats soon. I also got my results for my resit paper and *hoorah* I passed.
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Everything is sliding into place,

slowly but surely and for the moment I am "home"...

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here...

1 comment:

Pinkity said...

Wow, is that spam commentting?

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